Graphic Novel (Work in Progress)

My Role: Writer and Producer

Skills Utilized: Creative writing, script writing, world building, editing, comedy, collaborating, communications, project management, Adobe Photoshop

Problem: Creativity and thoughtfulness were necessary given the specific requirements of this story, which had to fit with the chaotic, creepy, vibrant art of the renowned artist and my co-writer, Skinner. Below are a few examples of his amazing work, which will eventually be the same art style that readers enjoy as they read our cosmic horror graphic novel, Morgogg: Conqueror of Chaos (working title).

Action: I hypothesized that readers would relate to a story about the ways that people can effectively cope with—and even thrive within—chaos. Importantly, this subject matter also lent itself to the art style for which Skinner is known. The sample below is from midway through act 1. Our strategy of front-loading the story with dangerous and bizarre events triggers a mirrored arc for readers, helping readers to better identify with the unease of the various prehistoric characters, their motivations, and the lessons they learn. Throughout acts 2 and 3, these ancient people find security amid the mayhem, grow their perspectives on chaos, and become a tribe.

Results: Test readers love it. The strong characterizations, mystery, humor, and unsettling wonder hook readers thoroughly in act 1, and the rest of the story ties every thread into an intricate bow that readers have universally found satisfying. Below are page layouts from our graphic novel, which will eventually receive the Skinner art treatment.

Art Examples:

Page Layout Examples:


Google — Writing


AJ+ — Writing, Producing, Directing