Google Writing

My Role: General Writer

Skills Utilized: Technical writing, editing, collaborating, research, communications, content management systems

Problem: The occurrence of common issues related to deals, offers, and rewards in the Google Pay app can lead to user dissatisfaction. Users may read articles in Google’s Help section because they are already frustrated, so an article dealing with these issues needs to be both helpful and sensitive to the user’s potential frustration.

Action: I wrote clear, concise, empathetic troubleshooting steps and explanations for common problems so that users would be able to resolve their issues more effectively and with as little frustration as possible. I hypothesized that my tonal balance of gentle yet informative writing would improve user satisfaction and confidence in the Google Pay app and related services.

Results: For this article and others, my team received more internal accolades than any other team in Google’s entire content department. This article is so comprehensive that, by following the instructions I provided, users are empowered to navigate through their challenges at nearly double the satisfaction rate of prior articles on the topic. Below is a selection from the article. You can read the full article here.


Words With Friends Game Show — Writing


Graphic Novel (Work in Progress) — Writing, Producing