Commercial Work

My Roles: Writer, Director, Actor, Editor, Illustrator, and Voice Actor

Skills Utilized: Copywriting, editing, directing, producing, creative writing, script writing, collaborating, comedy, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, cinematography, project managing, communications, illustrating, acting, voice acting

Problem: On one hand, building new skills is challenging. On the other hand, focusing on a single skill set can limit one’s ability to communicate with collaborators from different fields, empathize with their obstacles, or understand the broader implications of otherwise siloed decisions.

Action: I deeply research, strategize, and explore each new content challenge. I know that each improvement I make to an individual skill creates downstream improvements to my other related content skills. I am also intentional in my endeavor to become an ever more effective collaborator, constantly honing my best practices based on each new collaborator and context.

Results: I’ve developed tremendous aptitude at incorporating new knowledge as technology and workflows evolve. I’ve also improved my understanding of the intersection between audience psychology and each layer of content. Through these longstanding, growth-focused habits, I’ve gained millions of subscribers, views, and conversions for companies that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Further, my ability to collaborate has grown so much that I now have a huge group of regular collaborators and clients who are excited to work with me time and again. I also now teach collaboration skills at Google. My collaboration paradigm has also been featured in the book, Amaze & Delight: Secrets to Creating Magic in Business, which has 60+ 5-star reviews on Amazon.

Uniphore: “Meet Q for Sales”

Family Tools on ABC: “Bad Local Commercial”
Writer, Director

Zipcar: “The First Timer”
Actor, Writer

Microsoft Office Live Workspace: “Carrier Pigeons”
Writer, Director, Illustrator, Editor, Voice Actor

Salesforce and “Make It Bigger”


The Onion (Onion Gamers Network) — Writing


Google Classes — Instructional Designing, Teaching