The Onion (Onion Gamers Network)

My Role: Headline and Features Contributor

Skills Utilized: Creative writing, comedy, editing, research, journalism, collaborating, innovating, detail orientation, social media

Problem: I was tasked with delivering hundreds of consistently funny, unique headlines and jokes that align with the Onion Gamers Network (OGN) voice and style guide. The Onion runs on tight deadlines and has strict editorial standards, which can be challenging for many people.

Action: I implemented a highly organized workflow that reduced the pressure of frequent deadlines and freed mental space and time to create higher quality headlines. My strategy consisted of two major parts: First, I studied OGN’s editorial voice to the point of second-nature, which reduced mental plate-spinning and allowed me to focus on other layers of creativity. Second, I wrote in phases, focusing on quantity before going back through with an eye for quality and rewriting my favorites to find further improvements. This process allowed me to optimize my time and write 10 times the required headlines and jokes so that I could curate, hone, and deliver only the very best.

Results: The Onion staff, readership, and other colleagues were impressed with my work. They described my headlines and jokes as some of the most consistently hilarious and clever that they’d ever read. My headlines received far higher than average engagement.

Know Your Rights: If a Cop Asks You to Stop Gaming, You Don’t Have To

Deal Alert: This Kid Has All The Coolest Games, And You Can Play Them At His House If You Can Get Over How Weird He Is

Man Insisted He Could Survive Alone In The Wilderness Based Only On What He Learned In Minecraft, And It Went Pretty Much How You’d Expect: Extremely Well

Our Bad, Gamers: Historians Tell Us ‘Axis Of Evil” Does Not Actually Refer To People Who Use Inverted Aiming Controls

Pray For Us: We Just Learned The Captain On This Flight Has Never Played ‘Pilot Wings 64,’ So We Are Going To Storm The Cockpit

10 Tips To Quiet The Whirring Sound In Your PS4 That Just Won’t Stop Telling You To Kidnap The Mayor

If you’re interested in seeing more of my headlines for The Onion, you can find more here, on my comedy website.


Amaze & Delight — Editing


Commercial Work — Writing, Acting, Directing